Cosmetic products


At-Home Lash Extension Using Nanolash DIY Lash Extensions – My Opinion and Product Review

Just like all girls out there, I like it when my eyes are defined, and that’s why I always try to enhance them with makeup. Mascara proves not enough, though. I have short and thin lashes. One day I decided to give at-home lash extensions a try, using the lash wisps DIY


My Brow Specialist: Nanobrow Microblading Pen

Are you afraid of getting semi-permanent brow makeup, but you are not happy with the look of your eyebrows? Fortunately, there are less invasive solutions that work great. I’m very happy to present a microblading effect brow pen – Nanobrow Microblading Pen. The long-wear brow-styling pen from Nanobrow is my favorite beauty


Nanobrow Eyebrow Powder Kit – Swatches, Makeup Tutorial, Review

Hi there, my stars! ★ I know how much you like my beauty reviews. I always show and discuss the available product shades, so you can tell if they are right for you. Here is my next beauty review. Today I’m reviewing Nanobrow Eyebrow Powder Kit which I’m going to test concerning


My Brow Makeup With Nanobrow Lamination Gel. A New Must-Have?

Hi there, my dear readers! I recently came across some great reviews of Nanobrow Lamination Gel and decided to see if it’s really worth all the online hype. My eyebrows require special care, as I have sensitive skin, and not every product is suitable for me or delivers the expected result.I also


My couperose skin care with Black Orchid

My long time problem is couperose skin that I have to deal with every day. I tried many methods for it, but it was all for nothing. Until now my only hope was foundation with great cover and concealer for red skin changes. Few weeks ago, I bought strengthening cream Black Orchid


Silky smooth hair thanks to Nanoil – Liquid Silk Hair Mask Test!

Hey! Today we talk through a hair-care product that I’m sure most of you know very well – it’s silk. Do you know that this simple ingredient is actually the best thing you can treat your hair to? There is no better beautifying agent which at the same time quickly remedies damaged and


Papaya face mask from Orientana – Does it remove discolourations?

Spring is coming, sunny days, long evenings and warm nights. I decided to prepare my skin for this occasion, so it would look stunning and glowing. So, I come to you with new test of a product that I lately lay my hands on, i.e. removing discolourations Orientana mask. Orientana is my